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Tobacco Monomer Library
产品编号: L6820

人类种植和使用烟草已有数千年历史,其应用范围从用于宗教仪式和医疗实践,到现代社会中令人上瘾的烟草产品;尽管烟草通常与吸烟相关,但在草药学和医学中,烟草也展示出一些药用价值。在全球范围内,人们已经利用烟草植物的各个部分来治疗不同的疾病,如镇静作用:烟草在传统草药学中被用作镇静剂,可用于缓解焦虑和紧张情绪;抗生素效应:具有对抗细菌和真菌的作用。烟草中的一些单体成分如绿原酸(Chlorogenic acid)是一种活性膳食多酚,具有抗糖尿病、抗癌、抗肥胖、保护神经和抗高血压的特性;阿魏酸(Ferulic Acid)是烟草植物中的主要酚酸,被广泛应用于制药、食品和化妆品行业,具有抗炎和抗氧化作用,可改善多种病理生理状况。


  • 747种烟草单体化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
  • 提供产品的分子结构、生物活性、靶点通路等生物学信息,为筛选提供理论方向和研究基础;
  • 结构多样,含黄酮类、生物碱类、萜类在内的多种化合物类型,拥有详细的分类信息
  • NMR、HPLC/LCMS等多种检测技术保证产品结构正确,纯度高,减少假阳性。
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Endogenous Metabolite (330)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Apoptosis (66)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Antibacterial (60)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Autophagy (36)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antifungal (30)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Antioxidant (29)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
Reactive Oxygen Species (28)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
NF-κB (19)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
COX (18)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Parasite (17)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
Influenza Virus (15)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
P450 (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Anti-infection (12)
P450 (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Anti-infection (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
Anti-infection (12)
Antibiotic (12)
P450 (12)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
AChR (11)
PPAR (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
TNF (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
AChR (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
PPAR (11)
TNF (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
PPAR (11)
AChR (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
AChR (11)
DNA/RNA Synthesis (11)
TNF (11)
PPAR (11)
Tyrosinase (11)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Dehydrogenase (10)
GABA Receptor (10)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Calcium Channel (9)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
Ferroptosis (8)
TRP/TRPV Channel (8)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
Nrf2 (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
HIV Protease (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
HIV Protease (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
Nrf2 (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
Nrf2 (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
Nrf2 (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
5-HT Receptor (7)
HIV Protease (7)
p38 MAPK (7)
Nrf2 (7)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
AMPK (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Mitophagy (6)
AMPK (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Mitophagy (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
IL Receptor (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AMPK (6)
Mitophagy (6)
IL Receptor (6)
Virus Protease (6)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
Akt (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
MMP (5)
Akt (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
PKC (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
Akt (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
BCL (5)
AChE (5)
MMP (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
PI3K (5)
AChE (5)
PI3K (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
MMP (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
AChE (5)
BCL (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
MMP (5)
PI3K (5)
BCL (5)
Akt (5)
Akt (5)
AChE (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
AChE (5)
MMP (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
PI3K (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
MMP (5)
PI3K (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
AChE (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
MMP (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
PI3K (5)
Akt (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
AChE (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
BCL (5)
PI3K (5)
PKC (5)
MMP (5)
Akt (5)
AChE (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
BCL (5)
PI3K (5)
MMP (5)
AChE (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
MMP (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
PI3K (5)
AChE (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
MMP (5)
PARP (5)
PI3K (5)
PKC (5)
AChE (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
MMP (5)
PARP (5)
PKC (5)
PI3K (5)
AChE (5)
Akt (5)
BCL (5)
Beta Amyloid (5)
iGluR (5)
MMP (5)
PARP (5)
PI3K (5)
PKC (5)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
ERK (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
NO Synthase (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
NO Synthase (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
HSV (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HSV (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HSV (4)
ERK (4)
ERK (4)
NO Synthase (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
ERK (4)
HSV (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HSV (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
ROS (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
Caspase (4)
HSV (4)
ROS (4)
NO Synthase (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
ERK (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
HSV (4)
Caspase (4)
ERK (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
ERK (4)
HSV (4)
HSV (4)
HBV (4)
Caspase (4)
HBV (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
Interleukin (4)
ROS (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
NO Synthase (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
ERK (4)
Caspase (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
HSV (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
Caspase (4)
HSV (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
ROS (4)
Caspase (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ERK (4)
HSV (4)
ROS (4)
Caspase (4)
HBV (4)
ERK (4)
HSV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
Caspase (4)
ERK (4)
HBV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
HSV (4)
Caspase (4)
ERK (4)
HBV (4)
HSV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
Caspase (4)
ERK (4)
HBV (4)
HSV (4)
Interleukin (4)
NO Synthase (4)
ROS (4)
Sirtuin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Antifection (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Antifection (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Antifection (3)
Antifection (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Antifection (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Antifection (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Antifection (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Antifection (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Antifection (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Sirtuin (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Antifection (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
Antifection (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Antifection (3)
JNK (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
HIF (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
JNK (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
Antifection (3)
HIF (3)
JNK (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Antifection (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
EGFR (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
PDE (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Antifection (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Antifection (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
JNK (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Antifection (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
JNK (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
HIF (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Antifection (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
JNK (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
HIF (3)
EGFR (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
PDE (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
Antifection (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
HIF (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
MAO (3)
PDE (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
JNK (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Antifection (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
EGFR (3)
HIF (3)
JNK (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
MAO (3)
PDE (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
Adenosine Receptor (3)
Antifection (3)
Adrenergic Receptor (3)
Cannabinoid Receptor (3)
HIF (3)
EGFR (3)
JNK (3)
HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase (3)
Monoamine Oxidase (3)
Lipoxygenase (3)
PDE (3)
MAO (3)
Mitochondrial Metabolism (3)
Sirtuin (3)
Wnt/beta-catenin (3)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
NOS (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Phospholipase (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
NOS (2)
RAAS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
NOS (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
DNA (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
DNA (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
DNA (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
NOS (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Arginase (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
DNA (2)
DNA (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
NOS (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
DNA (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
DNA (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
DNA (2)
Arginase (2)
FGFR (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Glucosidase (2)
HDAC (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Arginase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
DNA (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
NOS (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
HDAC (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Phosphatase (2)
RAAS (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
Arginase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
DNA (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
HDAC (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
Phosphatase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
RAAS (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
Arginase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
DNA (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
HDAC (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Phosphatase (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
RAAS (2)
Aminopeptidase (2)
Arginase (2)
ATP Citrate Lyase (2)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2)
Estrogen/progestogen Receptor (2)
FGFR (2)
Glucosidase (2)
DNA (2)
GluR (2)
GST (2)
HDAC (2)
IκB/IKK (2)
Imidazoline Receptor (2)
NOS (2)
Phosphatase (2)
Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog (2)
RAAS (2)
Phospholipase (2)
Opioid Receptor (2)
P-gp (2)
Thrombin (2)
Transferase (2)
Prostaglandin Receptor (2)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
STAT (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
Trk receptor (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
MTH1 (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
Trk receptor (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Vitamin (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
DHFR (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Glucokinase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
ATPase (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Factor Xa (1)
ATPase (1)
Vitamin (1)
HSP (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
AhR (1)
Factor Xa (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
HSP (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
LTR (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
AhR (1)
FAAH (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
Antiviral (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
MTH1 (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
LTR (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
STAT (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
MTH1 (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
PKA (1)
STAT (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
MTH1 (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
PKA (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
STAT (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
AhR (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
FAAH (1)
DHFR (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
Antiviral (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
PDK (1)
Proton pump (1)
Glucokinase (1)
MTH1 (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
NOD (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
PKA (1)
Trk receptor (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
MAPK (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
STAT (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
AhR (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
ATPase (1)
Antiviral (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
DHFR (1)
Glucokinase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
FAAH (1)
Factor Xa (1)
Chloride channel (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
HSP (1)
MTH1 (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
LTR (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
PDK (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Proton pump (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Trk receptor (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
PKA (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
NOD (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
MAPK (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
STAT (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
Vitamin (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
AhR (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
Antiviral (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
Chloride channel (1)
DHFR (1)
FAAH (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
MTH1 (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
MAPK (1)
NOD (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
PDK (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
PKA (1)
Proton pump (1)
Trk receptor (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Vitamin (1)
STAT (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
ATPase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
HSP (1)
LTR (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
AhR (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
ATPase (1)
Antiviral (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
DHFR (1)
Chloride channel (1)
FAAH (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Factor Xa (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
HSP (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
MTH1 (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
LTR (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
MAPK (1)
NOD (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Trk receptor (1)
PDK (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
PKA (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
Proton pump (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
STAT (1)
Vitamin (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Amino Acids and Derivatives (1)
AhR (1)
Acyltransferase (1)
ATPase (1)
Antiviral (1)
CFTR (1)
CYP19A1 (1)
Cysteine Protease (1)
DNA gyrase (1)
Chloride channel (1)
DHFR (1)
Estrogen Receptor/ERR (1)
Factor Xa (1)
Glucokinase (1)
Carbonic Anhydrase (1)
CDK (1)
FAAH (1)
Free radical scavengers (1)
Gamma-secretase (1)
Drug Metabolite (1)
Fas/FasL (1)
HMG-CoA Reductase (1)
HSP (1)
Hexokinase (1)
Histamine Receptor (1)
LTR (1)
Microtubule Associated (1)
MTH1 (1)
Immunology/Inflammation related (1)
Lipase (1)
MEK (1)
Norepinephrine (1)
NOD (1)
MAPK (1)
NOD-like Receptor (NLR) (1)
Potassium Channel (1)
Progesterone Receptor (1)
PDK (1)
Serine/threonin kinase (1)
Serotonin Transporter (1)
Sodium Channel (1)
Syk (1)
TGF-beta/Smad (1)
Platelet aggregation (1)
PKA (1)
Proton pump (1)
Topoisomerase (1)
Transaminase (1)
NPC1L1 (1)
p53 (1)
PAFR (1)
PGE Synthase (1)
Trk receptor (1)
ROS Kinase (1)
Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) (1)
S6 Kinase (1)
SARS-CoV (1)
Vitamin (1)
STAT (1)
Xanthine Oxidase (1)
Empty 1000025-07-9 1000413-72-8 229005-80-5 1000787-75-6 946387-07-1 1000998-59-3 1175526-27-8 1001288-58-9 1001350-96-4 1001404-83-6 Empty
Vadadustat TAK875 TAK-779 Tegobuvir RN-1734 BMS-687453 AM211 FT011 BMS754807 AAI101
Empty 1001625-82-6 1001645-58-4 1001753-24-7 1001908-89-9 1002304-34-8 1002-84-2 100291-86-9 100299-08-9 10030-52-1 10040-45-6 Empty
RPW-24 SRT1720 hydrochloride INH6 SRT 2183 AMG208 Pentadecanoic acid Apiopaeonoside Pemirolast potassium L-Anserine nitrate salt Sodium Picosulfate
Empty 100427-26-7 1004316-88-4 10045-45-1 100462-37-1 1004990-28-6 100-51-6 1005-24-9 1005264-47-0 1005334-57-5 1005342-46-0 Empty
Lercanidipine Cobicistat 1-Ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone ROSIRIDIN PF-AKT400 Benzyl alcohol 1-Methylnicotinamide chloride MX69 CVT-10216 LCL161
Empty 1005491-05-3 100-55-0 1005504-62-0 1005883-72-6 100643-71-8 1007207-67-1 10075-50-0 1007647-73-5 100784-20-1 10083-24-6 Empty
Tirasemtiv Roniacol Rg3039 Z433927330 Desloratadine CH5132799 5-Bromoindole Smurf1-IN-A01 Halosulfuron-methyl Piceatannol
Empty 100872-83-1 100874-08-6 1009119-64-5 1009119-65-6 100929-71-3 1009298-09-2 1009298-59-2 100929-99-5 1009734-33-1 10097-84-4 Empty
ML346 SB 4 Daclatasvir Daclatasvir dihydrochloride NADPH (tetracyclohexanamine) AZD8055 Vistusertib PAβN dihydrochloride HZ1157 Rotundine
Empty 1009816-48-1 1009817-63-3 1009820-21-6 100986-85-4 101001-34-7 1010411-21-8 1010-60-2 1011244-68-0 1011301-27-1 1011529-10-4 Empty
Thiamet G B-AP15 Silmitasertib Levofloxacin Pamicogrel GSK369796 Dihydrochloride 2-Chloronaphthoquinone TFAP Tenovin3 Azvudine
Empty 101152-94-7 101155-02-6 1011557-82-6 1011-74-1 101-20-2 1012054-59-9 101-21-3 101-26-8 101303-98-4 1013101-36-4 Empty
Milnacipran hydrochloride BW-A78U Tenovin-6 DL-Normetanephrine hydrochloride Triclocarban CUDC101 Chlorpropham Mestinon Zacopride hydrochloride PF04691502
Empty 101-31-5 1013-69-0 1013750-77-0 1013753-99-5 10138-52-0 1013920-15-4 1013937-63-7 1014691-61-2 101477-54-7 101494-95-5 Empty
L-Hyoscyamine Noreugenin ML-030 BC-1382 Gadolinium chloride Vorolanib VTP-27999 TFA GSK0660 Lomerizine hydrochloride 8-CHLOROQUINAZOLIN-4(1H)-ONE
